【フィリピン台風30号】救援ニュース No.19 (EN follows)

(English follows)フィリピンの台風被災地へのご支援ありがとうございます。
フィリピン台風30号(Haiyan) 救援ニュース No.19
Women’s Refugee Commission(WRC)という団体の記事をCODEのボランティアさんが翻訳してくれた。その記事によると、この台風Haiyan後にマニラ空港で食糧を輸送するボランティアを夜通し行っている学生たちが、「悲しい思いが動機となって、助けたいという衝動に駆られて・・・」と語ったという。また、WRCは、「災害や緊急時は、若者たちが新しいスキルを学び、人間として成長する機会を与えてくれる」、「フィリピンで湧きあがった若者の自発的な新しい取り組みを無視しないでほしいと願っている」と語っている。
※翻訳文はCODE World Voiceに掲載
CODEのスタッフも、セブシティーのテレビ局前に集まり、物資の仕分けを行う若いボランティアたちを見て、「登録、管理された感じはなく、自由なボランタリーな感じだった」と語っている。 このようなボランタリーな動きは、フィリピンの相互扶助の精神「バヤニハン」が大きく影響しているのだろう。フィリピンのある研究者によると「何世紀にもわたる災害の経験がフィリピン人の行動様式を規定し、それらの経験が助け合いやボランティアの精神をあらわすバヤニハンの意識を醸成した」と論じている。外部の支援者は、フィリピンの人たちの自発的でボランタリーな動きを十分に生かすことが求められる。


Volunteers in Philippines

Volunteers for CODE translated an English article by a group called the Women`s Refugee Commission (WRC) for us into Japanese. According to this article, students who had stayed up all night to send provisions at Manilla Airport after Typhoon Haiyan said they had been “motivated by a sense of sadness and an urge to help.” WRC noted that “[d]isasters and emergencies can provide young people with an opportunity to learn new skills and for personal development,” and concluded that “We hope… the spontaneous youth initiatives that have sprung up in the Philippines following Typhoon Haiyan [will not be ignored].”

※You can see the Japanese translation at CODE World Voice:
※The original article in English is available here:

Every time a large scale natural disaster occurs, support from local citizens wells up, and the Philippines is no exception. In the Philippines, people are volunteering not only through organizations such as NGOS, but young people themselves are forming groups and rushing in to volunteer as individuals.

In the Great Hanshin (Kobe) earthquake of 1995, which brought about the establishment of CODE, the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in 2011, volunteers who came to disaster areas brought their own free thinking and their own movements, separate from large organizations.

Staff members of CODE also reported after watching the young volunteers they saw gathered in front of a TV station in Cebu City to sort relief goods that “it didn`t feel like volunteer registration was being supervised so much as being a free, voluntary activity.” The spirit of mutual aid in the Philippines, “bayanihan” may be having a big effect on this kind of voluntary movement. According to Greg Bankoff, professor and author of “Cultures of Disaster,” experiencing disasters over generations has affected the behavioral patterns of Filipinos, and these experiences have brought about the “bayanihan” sense of mutual aid and volunteer involvement. Relief workers from the outside must sufficiently take advantage of these kinds of spontaneous, voluntary actions by Filipinos.
(Masamichi Yoshitsubaki)

Translation: A.T
Article in Japanese http://philippines2013typ.seesaa.net/article/381382596.html